MTU Aero Engines AG's Data Privacy Policy

MTU Aero Engines appreciates your visit to our website and your interest in our company and products. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and want you to feel comfortable visiting our web pages. We attach great importance to protecting your privacy while processing personal data, and take it into account in our business processes. We process personal data collected during visits to our websites in accordance with the applicable data protection and data security laws. When you visit our web applications (e.g. online application), information may also be stored. For this, you will find separate privacy policies in the respective application.

Other privacy policies:

Business partners / Visitors
Online Conference Systems

Since changes in the law or changes in our internal processes may require this privacy policy to be adjusted, we ask you to kindly read this privacy policy regularly.

§ 1 Controller and scope of application

The controller in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national privacy laws of Member States as well as other privacy law provisions is

MTU Aero Engines AG
Dachauer Strasse 665
D-80995 Munich

This data privacy policy applies to the website of MTU Aero Engines AG (hereinafter called MTU Aero Engines), accessible on and various other websites (hereinafter referred to as "our website").

§ 2 Privacy officer

The controller's data privacy officer is:

Helga Schorr
MTU Aero Engines AG
Dachauer Strasse 665
D-80995 Munich

§ 3 What are personal data?

Personal data are individual details about personal or factual situations of a specific or identifiable natural person (data subject). This includes information such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth, or e-mail address. Information with which we cannot (or can only with a disproportionate effort) establish a reference to your person, e.g. by making the information anonymous, is not personal data.

§ 4 General information on data processing

a) Scope

We only collect and use our users' personal data if and to the extent needed to provide a functional website as well as our contents and services. We use your personal data to provide the services you need, to answer your questions and to operate and improve our websites and applications.

Your personal data is not used for any other purpose, especially not for advertising purposes. Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your consent, except in the cases described below, unless we are legally obliged to provide the data.

b) Legal basis

If we obtain the consent of the data subject to his/her process personal data, Art. 6, Section 1a, of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) shall serve as the legal basis for processing said data. Art. 6, Section 1b, of the GDPR serves as legal basis for processing the personal data required to execute a contract to which the data subject is a party. Article 6, Section 1c, of the GDPR serves as legal basis for processing the personal data required to fulfil a legal obligation of our company.

If processing is necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest of our company or a third party and if the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the former interest, Art. 6, Section 1f, of the GDPR shall serve as legal basis for processing.

c) Data erasure and storage time

Your personal data shall be erased or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. However, the data may be stored if provided for by European or national laws or other statutory provisions to which the controller is subject. The data shall be blocked or erased at the end of a storage period prescribed by the aforementioned standards, unless the data needs to be stored further in order to conclude or implement a contract.

§ 5 Individual processing operations

You can use a large part of our website without providing your personal data. Access data without personal reference, such as the name of your Internet service provider, the page from which you are visiting us, the names of the files required and their retrieval date are stored. These data are exclusively evaluated for the purpose of improving our website and do not allow any conclusions regarding your person. These data are:

Browser type and version The operating system used Referrer URL Host name of the computer used for access Names of the requested files Date and time of server request IP address

However, if you wish to use the services we offer on our website, such as ordering a newsletter, etc., you will have to provide further data. For details, refer to the description of specific data processing operations below. In particular, personal data are used as follows:

a) Ordering print media

On our website we offer users the opportunity to register by providing personal data, for example, to receive print media. The data are recorded in a contact form, sent to us and stored. The data are not transferred to third parties.

The registration is required to order the print media and must, thus, be handled as quasi-contractual relationship. The personal data required for registration are used exclusively to process the order. The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. This is the case while registering to execute a contract or to take pre-contractual measures if the data are no longer required for the pursuit of the quasi-contractual relationship. Even after concluding the contract, it may still be necessary to store your personal data in order to fulfil contractual or legal obligations.

b) Newsletter

MTU Aero Engines offers you the opportunity to register for e-mail newsletters on specific topics. To register for our e-mail newsletter, we need your consent and your e-mail address to which the newsletter will be sent.

The following data are also collected upon registration:

IP address Registration date and time / Confirmation date and time (DOI) Date of the user's last action Opt-in methods Country Registration page used List membership (different recipient lists) User’s Opt-in status Browser type and version

The legal basis for processing data after the user is registered for the newsletter is Art. 6, Section 1a, of the GDPR. We use the so-called double-opt-in procedure to send newsletters, i.e. we will only send you the newsletter if you confirm your registration beforehand via a confirmation e-mail sent to you for this purpose from a link contained therein. This is to ensure that only you can subscribe to the newsletter as the owner of the e-mail address provided. Your confirmation must be sent shortly after receipt of the confirmation e-mail, otherwise your newsletter subscription will be automatically deleted from our database.

When registering for the newsletter, your e-mail address will be used to keep you informed until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Other personal data are collected as part of the registration process in order to prevent a misuse of the services or the e-mail address used.

The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

To unsubscribe, you can use the link at the end of the newsletter.

You can revoke your consent to the collection of other personal data collected during the registration process at any time.

The data is passed on to service providers for data processing in connection with the dispatch of newsletters. The data will be used exclusively for sending the newsletter.

c) Newsletter for investor relations

MTU Aero Engines offers you the opportunity to register for IR newsletters. In addition to your consent, we require your name and e-mail address for this purpose.

The data is collected via a contact form (see below section e) "Contact forms").

When registering for the newsletter, your e-mail address will be used to keep you informed until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Other personal data are collected as part of the registration process in order to prevent a misuse of the services or the e-mail address used. The data is passed on to third parties for storage in a database. The data will be used exclusively for sending the newsletter; they will not be used by MTU Aero Engines or the third party for any other purpose.

The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

To unsubscribe, you can use the link at the end of the newsletter.

You can revoke your consent to the collection of other personal data collected during the registration process at any time.

d) Contact forms

For the purpose of data processing, reference is made to this privacy policy in the contact form. Alternatively, you can contact us via the e-mail address provided. In this case, your personal data sent in by e-mail will be stored.

In this context, the data is not disclosed to third parties. The data is used exclusively for processing the conversation.

The legal basis for processing the data transmitted alongside an e-mail is Art. 6, Section 1a, of the GDPR. We process personal data from the contact form only for the purpose of processing the establishment of contact.

e) “Mediapool” database

MTU Aero Engines offers you the opportunity to sign up for access to the media database. In the media database, you will find photos and video clips. The data are captured using a contact form, transmitted to us, and stored.

Upon completion of the registration process, the user will be sent a confirmation link that they have to click to confirm their registration. The system administrator will subsequently activate the account and the user will receive a confirmation message, or they will be notified if their registration has been denied. Users can view and change the data provided during the registration process and their password in the respective user profile.

Registration serves to enable access to the media database and must, thus, be handled as quasi-contractual relationship. The personal data to be entered for registration are needed exclusively for access to the media database. The deletion of the account can be requested by sending an email to, and the account will be deleted immediately.

The media database uses so-called “cookies”, which are sent by the web server to your browser during your visit to our media database and are stored on your computer for later retrieval. The media database uses cookies to manage the user session (one new cookie per session).

§ 6 Use of "Matomo"

MTU Aero Engines is constantly striving to optimise its website. This is based on statistics on the use of the website. MTU Aero Engines uses the web analysis tool "Matomo" to generate the statistics. This ensures that every visit to this website is logged and evaluated anonymously.

Matomo uses so-called "cookies". These are text files which are stored on your computer and are used to analyse the use of our website. For this purpose, the usage information generated by the cookie (including your anonymised IP address) is sent to our server and stored for usage analysis, which helps optimise our website. Your IP address is immediately made anonymous during this process, so that you as a user remain anonymous to us. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website is not passed on to third parties (see Section 7).

If you do not agree to the storage and evaluation of the aforementioned data from your visit to our website, you can object to the storage and use at any time with effect for the future. In this case, an "opt-out-cookie" is stored in your browser, which means that Matomo shall not collect data about your visit to our website.

IMPORTANT: To set the opt-out cookie, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If you delete your cookies between two visits to our website, this means that the opt-out cookie is also deleted and you may have to reactivate it the next time you visit our website.

Please click on the link below to object to Matomo recording your visit to our website:

Note: If you have activated your browser’s tracking protection feature, Matomo will defer to the setting you have chosen.

§ 7 Using cookies

Besides the cookies described in Section 5, paragraph f and Section 6 above, we use other cookies which are sent by our web server to your browser during your visit to our website and are stored on your computer for later retrieval. These cookies contain a characteristic character string that enables clear identification of the browser when the website is called up again.

When accessing our website, the user is informed about the use of cookies for analytical purposes and his or her consent to the processing of personal data used in this connection is obtained. In this context, reference is also made to this privacy statement.

The legal basis for processing personal data using technically necessary cookies is Art. 6, Section 1f of the GDPR. If the user has given his or her consent in this regard, the legal basis for processing personal data using cookies for analysis purposes is Art. 6, Section 1a, of the GDPR.

The purpose of using technically necessary cookies is to simplify the use of websites for users. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of cookies. For this it is necessary for the browser to be recognised even after a change of page.

The user data collected by technically necessary cookies are not used to create user profiles.

Cookies are stored on the user's computer and sent from there to our site. Therefore, as a user you also have full control over the use of cookies. You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the settings in your Internet browser.

Most browsers are pre-set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can deactivate the storage of cookies or set your browser so that it informs you before cookies are stored. Users who do not accept cookies may not be able to access certain areas of our websites.

Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may no longer be possible to use all functions of the website in full.

You can edit your cookie settings here on your own.

§ 8 Plug-ins and tools

a) YouTube

Our website uses plugins from Google's YouTube platform. The pages are operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.

If you visit any of our pages equipped with a YouTube plug-in, a connection is set up to the YouTube servers. The YouTube server is informed about our pages you have visited.

If you are logged into your YouTube account, you allow YouTube to associate your surfing behaviour directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

YouTube is used to make the presentation of our online offers appealing. This is a legitimate interest in the sense of Art. 6, Section 1f, of the GDPR.

For more information on how we handle user data, please see YouTube's privacy policy at:

b) Google Maps

This page uses the map service "Google Maps" via an API. The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

To use the functions of Google Maps it is necessary to save your IP address. This information is usually transferred to and stored in a Google server in USA. The provider of this page has no influence on this data transmission.

Using Google Maps makes the representation of our online offers appealing, and the places indicated by us on the website easy to locate. This is a legitimate interest in the sense of Art. 6, Section 1f, of the GDPR.

You can find more information on the handling of user data in Google's privacy policy:

§ 9 Security measures to protect the data stored with us

We undertake to protect your privacy and to treat your personal data confidentially. To prevent the loss or misuse of data stored by us, we take extensive technical and organisational safety precautions which are regularly checked and adapted to technological progress.
However, we would like to point out that due to the structure of the Internet, it is possible that the data protection rules and the above-mentioned safety measures may not be observed by other persons or institutions outside our field of responsibility. In particular, unencrypted data transmitted by e-mail, for instance, can be read by third parties. We have no technical influence on this. It is the user's responsibility to protect the data provided by him/her against misuse through encryption or in any other way.

§ 10 Hyperlinks to external websites

Our website contains so-called hyperlinks to other providers' websites. When these hyperlinks are activated, you are redirected from our website directly to other providers' websites. You can recognise this, for example, by the change of URL. We cannot assume any responsibility for the confidentiality of your data on these third-party websites, as we have no influence on these companies' compliance with data privacy policies. You can find out how these companies handle your personal data directly on these websites.

§ 11 Your rights as a data subject

If your personal data are processed, you are concerned in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and you have the following rights vis-à-vis the controller:

1. Right to information

You can ask the controller to confirm whether your personal data are processed by us.

If this is the case, you can ask the controller for the following information:

the purposes for which the personal data are processed; the categories of personal data processed; the recipients or categories of recipients to whom your personal data have been or are still being disclosed; the planned duration of the storage of your personal data or, if specific information on this is not possible, the criteria for determining the storage period; the existence of a right to rectify or erase your personal data, a right to have the processed data restricted by the controller, or a right to object to such processing; the existence of a right to appeal to a supervisory authority; all available information about the origin of the data if the personal data are not collected from the data subject.

You have the right to request for information as to whether your personal data is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. In this connection, you may request that the appropriate guarantees pursuant to Art. 46 of the GDPR in connection with the transmission of data shall be made available to you.

2. Right to correction

You may ask the controller to rectify and/or complete your personal data if your personal data are incorrect or incomplete. The controller shall make the correction without delay.

3. Right to restrict the processing

You may request that the processing of your personal data be restricted on the following terms and conditions:

if you contest the accuracy of your personal data a; if the processing is unlawful and you reject the deletion of the personal data and instead demand the restriction of the use thereof; if the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you do need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, or if you have filed an objection to the processing pursuant to Art. 21, Section 1, of the GDPR and it has not yet been determined whether the controller's legitimate reasons outweigh your reasons.

If the processing of your personal data has been restricted, such data may only be processed - apart from being stored - with your consent or for the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending rights or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person or on grounds of an important public interest of the Union or a Member State.

If the processing restriction has been limited on the above conditions, we shall inform you before the restriction is lifted.

4. Right to deletion

a) Deletion obligation

You may ask to delete your personal data without delay and we are obliged to delete this data without delay if:

Your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. You revoke your consent, on which the processing was based pursuant to Art. 6, Section 1a or Art. 9, Section 2a of the GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for the processing. You file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21, Section 1, of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing, or you file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21, Section 2, of the GDPR. Your personal data have been processed unlawfully. Deleting your personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation under EU law or the law of the Member States to which we are subject. Your personal data have been collected regarding the services offered by the information company pursuant to Art. 8, Section 1, of the GDPR.

b) Information to third parties

If we have made your personal data public and are obliged to delete it pursuant to Art. 17, Section 1, of the GDPR, we shall take appropriate measures, including technical measures, considering the available technology and the implementation costs, to inform the processors of the personal data for which you as the data subject have asked for the deletion of all links thereto or of copies or replications thereof.

c) Exceptions

The right to deletion does is excluded if and to the extent as the processing is required

to exercise the freedom of expression and information; to fulfil a legal obligation required for processing under EU law or the law of Member States to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the controller; for reasons of public interest in the field of public health pursuant to Art. 9, Sections 2h and i, and Art. 9, Section 3, of the GDPR; for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes pursuant to Art. 89, Section 1, of the GDPR, insofar as the law referred to under a) is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the attainment of the objectives of such processing, or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

5. Right to information

If you have asked us to correct, delete or restrict the processing of your personal data, we must inform all recipients of your personal data about this correction or deletion of the data or restriction on processing, unless this proves impossible or entails a disproportionate effort.

You have the right to be informed of such recipients.

6. Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have made available to the controller in a structured, accessible and machine-readable format. Moreover, you have the right transmit this data on to another controller, provided that

processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6, Section 1a, of the GDPR or Art. 9, Section 2a, of the GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6, Section 1b, of the GDPR and processing is carried out automatically.

While exercising this right, you also have the right to request that your personal data be transferred directly from us to another controller, so far as this is technically feasible.

Other persons' freedoms and rights must not be affected by this.

The right to portability shall not apply to the processing of personal data needed to perform a task in the public interest or to exercise official authority conferred on the controller.

7. Right to object

You have the right to object at any time, on the grounds of your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

We shall no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove protection-worthy compelling reasons for the processing, which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or unless the processing is used to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

You have the possibility to exercise your right of objection in connection with the use of the services of an information company by means of automated procedures based on technical specifications, notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC.

8. Right to revoke the data protection consent

You have the right to revoke your data protection consent at any time.

The revocation of consent shall not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation.

9. Right to appeal to a supervisory authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right of appeal to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State where you reside, work or where the alleged infringement has been made, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the stipulations of the GDPR. The competent supervisory authority for Bavaria is:

Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht, Promenade 27, 91522 Ansbach,

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