Facts & figures

About this report

Each year, MTU Aero Engines AG compiles a sustainability report to comprehensively inform its stakeholders about corporate sustainability (CS) of an economic, environmental, or social nature within the company. The report provides information about our strategy, objectives, and performance in the area of sustainability and also describes the priorities and progress made in 2023, building on the previous report as well as the non-financial statement in the Annual Report.

Reporting period and cycle

The reporting period covers financial year 2023 (January 1 to December 31). To better organize how information is presented and provide explanatory context for readers, activities from outside the reporting period are also cited in some cases. The report is published annually in German and English and will be available as an online report at → sustainability.mtu.de in May 2024. It is possible to obtain a → PDF download of the report. The non-financial statement is included in the Group management report of the Annual Report.

Scope of validity

The report covers all of the MTU Group sites that are treated as fully consolidated in the company’s financial reporting. This includes the following:

All fully consolidated production and maintenance sites of the MTU Group worldwide (Munich, Hannover, Ludwigsfelde, Rzeszów, Nova Pazova, and Vancouver) are included in our environmental reporting for this Sustainability Report under “Production & maintenance.” Smaller sites are not relevant for our environmental impact and are therefore not included. The information and key performance indicators refer to the specified Group reporting entity for each field of action, unless otherwise indicated.

Reporting structure and topics

The topics we have identified as relevant to our sustainability strategy are covered in this report. They are cross-referenced to the six sustainability fields of action at MTU into which this report is structured: Corporate governance – Products – Production & maintenance – Employees – Procurement – Society.

Reporting standards

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

This report was drawn up in compliance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (2021). We provide a GRI index for cross-referencing the report’s contents with the GRI standards. Tables and graphics with statements relevant to GRI have been appropriately marked. The relevant GRI standards are listed at the end of each page.

A materiality matrix presents the sustainability topics that are significant for the MTU Group and shows how they are weighted from an internal (X-axis) and external (Y-axis) perspective. It is checked and updated every year as part of a materiality analysis, and serves as the basis for selecting the key topics and performance indicators for this report.
→ Sustainability strategy and organization

UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals

MTU is a member of the UN Global Compact. The 2023 Sustainability Report documents our commitment to its ten principles and our annual progress. As a member of the UN Global Compact, we support the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and do what we can to help achieve them. The SDGs to which we can contribute on a certain subject are shown at the bottom of each page. The SDGs we can support overall are found at → Sustainability strategy and organization.

Key figures and collection methods

All data and information for the reporting period was collected by the relevant departments using representative methods. Environmental KPIs are collected via the environmental management systems at the individual sites and then consolidated centrally in the CS database according to agreed criteria. The HR KPIs are collected and evaluated centrally at the headquarters in Munich for Germany, and locally for all non-German sites. Once the data is evaluated, it is sent to the CS database. All other data is requested from the CS coordinators in the relevant departments and compiled centrally in the CS database. Financial KPIs are collected and published in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Supplementary information and previous reports

MTU regularly informs its stakeholders about sustainability issues. You can find supplementary information, more detailed analyses, and older publications online:
→ Corporate responsibility at MTU
→ Compliance at MTU
→ MTU Annual Reports

In addition, we regularly report on important and/or current sustainability topics in central MTU publications and through various communication channels, including our social media platforms.
→ News and media

External validation of the report

The CS reporting for this sustainability report was not subject to external auditing or validation. The majority of corporate processes that underlie data collection for CS reporting are certified. We have already reported selected key figures for topics of very high importance in our non-financial statement. These have been verified by auditors as part of a limited or, in some cases, a reasonable assurance engagement.


Please address questions about the report to corporateresponsibility@mtu.de

Forward-looking statements

This report contains forward-looking statements. These statements reflect the current understanding, expectations, and assumptions of MTU Aero Engines and are based on the information available to management at the present time. Forward-looking statements provide no guarantee that certain results and developments will actually occur in the future, and they entail risk and uncertainty. Consequently, for a variety of reasons, the actual future results of MTU Aero Engines may deviate substantially from the expectations and assumptions expressed here. MTU Aero Engines assumes no obligation to update the statements contained in this communication.


We have opted for gender-neutral language in MTU’s communications, so this Sustainability Report is written in an inclusive way. To ensure readability and consistency, we follow rules that we have established for inclusive language@MTU.

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