
Human rights

We respect the human rights of our employees and have enshrined this in our company by means of various instruments. In addition to this voluntary commitment, we follow a zero-tolerance principle.

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MTU respects the internationally proclaimed human rights set out in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The company has anchored human rights in its corporate culture through various instruments in order to respect and promote them. In particular, MTU pursues the goal of preventing human rights violations that could affect employees (zero-tolerance principle).

MTU is committed to respecting the individuality and dignity of every person, maintaining equality of opportunity in the workplace, and preventing discrimination. The protection of human rights, the right to appropriate remuneration, as well as recognition of regulations governing employee and union representation under labor and works constitution law, are implemented Group-wide through the Code of Conduct. As an employer, MTU aims to create fair working conditions based on legally binding employment contracts with appropriate remuneration. This includes the right to unionize and to adopt collective agreements. Compliance with the Code of Conduct and ethical principles is enshrined in the MTU Principles. In addition, MTU is committed to respecting human rights through a Policy Statement that the Executive Board members signed at the beginning of 2023. It sets out principles on human rights and working conditions as well as responsibilities for the protection of human rights.

We view the respecting of human rights principles as a Group-wide issue that goes beyond social labor standards and basic labor rights for employees to include sustainable supplier management, trade compliance standards for responsible international trade, and environmental due diligence at our sites.

In Germany, MTU is bound by the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG), which prohibits discrimination against employees and job applicants. For employees in Germany, we also adopted internal guidelines in agreement with employee representatives on fair and cooperative conduct that are designed to prevent bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination. The guidelines stipulate a systematic process for handling complaints.

When they join the company, new employees are informed about the regulations laid down in the Code of Conduct and—in Germany—in the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG), and they undertake to comply with these requirements. In addition, we provide regular training on the Code of Conduct at all the company’s sites and across all hierarchical levels. → For more information about MTU’s Code of Conduct and associated training, see Compliance

Human rights risk management revised

We strive to avoid negative impacts of our business activities on human rights as far as possible. We continuously review our business activities for human rights risks in order to define and implement preventive measures at an early stage. We classify human rights risks under various elements of the risk inventory of our corporate risk management process. Regarding its methodology, approach, and assessment, our human rights risk analysis is based on MTU’s corporate risk analysis. Our risk management system creates structures that minimize the risk of human rights violations.

MTU’s own business activities are conducted mainly in Germany, the EU, and North America. This lowers the probability of occurrence for significant violations of human rights in our own business area, as these regions have regulations set by the respective legislators and a commitment to human rights that is rooted in society. In addition, the aviation sector has its own specific regulations and regulatory oversight.

MTU has further developed its risk management system for the protection of human rights; for instance, it appointed a Human Rights Officer in the reporting year. This officer monitors internal risk management with regard to human rights risks and reports directly to the Chief Sustainability Officer on the Executive Board. In addition, human rights coordinators are appointed at the site level and in the relevant departments (supply chain, human resources, environmental and occupational safety, and corporate sustainability). The most important task for the human rights coordinators is to issue regular risk assessments for human rights violations and environmental due diligence at our locations and at direct suppliers.

This risk analysis is carried out for all fully consolidated Group companies both annually and as required and is coordinated by the Human Rights Officer. The extent and severity of human rights-related risks are determined according to a standardized procedure. A risk assessment is then carried out using a risk matrix that correlates the probability of a risk’s occurrence with its severity. A threshold for materiality is defined both for the consolidated risk assessment at the Group level and for the site. The Human Rights Officer also reviews the effectiveness of risk management, particularly with regard to preventive action and countermeasures.

We have identified no MTU business location that we must consider at significant risk of child, forced, or compulsory labor, or at which the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining could be compromised.

If we identify a violation of obligations relating to human rights, we will immediately take appropriate measures to end this violation, prevent it in the future, or minimize its extent.

Reporting channels have been set up

Reporting procedures have been established to ensure that we can systematically follow up on all complaints or reports of human rights infringements. Employees and external stakeholders can make reports to the Compliance Officer as a confidential contact point in the Group, or anonymously via the web-based iTrust reporting system, available in multiple languages. This applies to all human rights concerns. → See Compliance for information about handling reports

In addition, points of contact for employees have been set up at each site, about which we provide information on-site. For example, in compliance with statutory regulations such as the AGG in Germany, trained personnel at each site are identified as the contact points for complaints regarding discrimination. At MTU Maintenance Canada, employees can file a formal complaint with human resources management in cases of discrimination. They also have the right to go beyond the company and make a formal complaint to the BC Human Rights Tribunal. At MTU Aero Engines Polska, this function is carried out by a person elected by the employees. What’s more, employees can also report grievances to managers, the works council, or the head of human resources. The Executive Board is informed about infringements depending on the severity of their impact. If a violation of obligations relating to human rights is identified, we will immediately take appropriate measures to end this violation, prevent it in the future, or minimize its extent.

Across the entire Group, three substantiated complaints were submitted in 2023 as defined by the anti-discrimination legislation applicable to the sites in question. The complaints were investigated, appropriate action was taken, and the incidents were closed.

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