Corporate social responsibility
Our contribution to social development is focused primarily on research, education, and training. In addition, we support social projects that have a local impact close to our locations.

Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of the MTU Principles, which state: “MTU takes its responsibility for the environment and society seriously.” We are a major employer in the regions in which we operate, offering a wide range of jobs in a high-tech environment and providing training in Germany in a variety of professions under the dual-track system. Our approach to employment takes the long-term view as a matter of course and places strong emphasis on the intensive training and development of our employees. MTU invests in the expansion of its global network; the new repair site in Serbia began operations in 2023. These investments strengthen the local economy and job market, and in turn have a positive effect on social aspects such as infrastructure and prosperity. We also contribute to society through the income tax we pay. → How we add value through our economic output
We are committed to educating the next generation of scientists
As we drive aviation technology forward, we rely on a new generation of skilled employees and an innovative business environment. Therefore, our concept of corporate citizenship revolves around science and engineering initiatives. We seek out interaction and collaboration with the world of science and research and foster dialogue with young people and new talent.
We run a series of sponsorship schemes at the University of Stuttgart and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) that support young researchers for a number of years after they finish their degrees. We also provide financial backing for a Deutschlandstipendium, or “Germany Scholarship,” at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Together with Technische Universität Braunschweig, we operate what is known as a maintenance laboratory to enable students to experience engine maintenance on our premises as part of their master’s studies. In cooperation with the Business4School project, an initiative that aims to foster business skills in schoolchildren, managers at MTU Maintenance Hannover give insights into their work at local schools. MTU Aero Engines Polska has established alliances with the Lezajsk Technical School and the Rzeszów University of Technology and regularly supports them in various activities (e.g. student teams in the national Xchallenge robotics championship or as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week).
MTU research experts give regular presentations and guest lectures at universities, and we have endowed a chair for aircraft engine structural mechanics at the University of Stuttgart as well. We offer trainee programs, dual vocational training, work placements for high school students, work experience for students, and opportunities for writing bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral theses at our European sites. These are key factors on the labor market. In 2023, there were 580 students working with us in a wide variety of areas as part of their undergraduate or postgraduate program, or working during school vacations.
Each year, MTU confers the Wolfgang Heilmann Science Award for outstanding achievements by talented young students performing research in the field of aircraft engines at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In addition, we are an industry sponsor of a prestigious German award for aerospace journalism.
For several years, MTU Maintenance Hannover has supported its local "Jugend forscht", a regional contest designed to get young people interested in STEM subjects. Under the 2023 theme of “Make ideas big,” 94 participants developed creative solutions and ideas on a wide range of topics, from which a jury selected regional winners to qualify for the national competition. Special prizes were also awarded in conjunction with a day for the whole class to get a taste of life at MTU.
Further educational initiatives in which MTU participates:
- Komm, mach MINT! (a German STEM initiative)
- Research Camp for Girls
- Girls’ Day
- Teachers in Industry
- IdeenExpo science exhibition in Hannover
Support for local charities
We support various social institutions. These are generally charitable organizations, preferably with a social focus, but there are also on-site environmental protection initiatives to which we provide assistance in the form of financial or in-kind donations. A key factor in selecting recipients is a local/regional connection or a thematic link to MTU. We prioritize support for specific projects over general institutional funding. The subsidiaries concerned select these projects and participate in them on their own initiative, following careful research and consideration. Internal guidelines govern the granting of donations and sponsorship, and a centrally managed clearance and approval process ensures that the rules are adhered to.
In the reporting year, we supported more than 100 projects, institutions, and organizations. We also work with partners near our locations; for example, our commitment to the Munich Business Climate Pact. We provide the TurBienchen daycare center, a parent-led initiative situated close to the company gates in Munich, with ongoing support in the form of financial and in-kind donations. The new site in Serbia opened a daycare center near the plant in 2023, which is also open to parents outside of MTU, and MTU Aero Engines Polska supports local schools and universities with IT equipment and furniture.
We also maintain a social fund that was originally established in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic with funds from executives, the Executive Board, and the Supervisory Board. Since then, the funds have been donated to MTU employees who find themselves in financial difficulties through no fault of their own, and to humanitarian causes outside the company. The latter includes charitable projects and organizations near the sites as well as aid organizations for acute disaster relief, such as following the devastating earthquake in Turkey last year.
Further institutions that we supported in 2023
- Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen (Wings of Help) e.V.
- Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn
- Münchner Tafel e.V. and Langenhagener Tafel e.V., which provide food to those in need
- Obdachlosenhilfe Hannover e.V.
- Kältebus München
- Mukoviszidose LV Berlin-Brandenburg e.V
- Children’s Day at the school of Hospital No. 2, Rzeszów
- Arche Potsdam
- Heart Day, Rzeszów
- Hospital for Special Care Foundation, Connecticut
Employee volunteer work at our locations
We welcome our employees’ voluntary efforts to support good causes. This is covered by an internal company agreement. In Germany, the company allows staff to undertake projects with the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief or the volunteer fire department during their paid workday, and offers the services of lay justices for labor tribunals and social justice courts and of examiners for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.